Google reveals Chrome 8
By Johan Keyter 3 December 2010 | Categories: news
Google today unveiled its latest rendition of its popular web browser, Google Chrome, in the form of Chrome 8.0.552.215, or Chrome 8 for short.
As Chrome 8 made its way out of beta and into the stable channels a number of improvements can be seen on the new browser. One of the most prominent is the inclusion of a built-in PDF viewer, allowing users to view PDF documents (traditionally opened via Adobe Acrobat Reader) directly in their web browser.
The browser also includes support for Google's new Web apps which will be distributed via the Chrome Web Store. No apps are available as of yet, and the Chrome store isn't online, but users can be assured of a range of interesting new apps will be available as soon as the store launches.
New tab settings, including side tabs, also makes an appearance alongside automatic disabling of outdated plugins, cross-site scripting protection, WebGL 3D canvas rendering and support for printing from the cloud.
More than 800 bug fixes and stability improvements have also been included in the new update. If you're using the Google Chrome web browser and want to update to Chrome 8, simply click on the 'wrench' icon at the top right of the screen, then click on 'about google chrome' and you're on your way to the newest version.
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