Gran Turismo 5 release date confusion
By Johan Keyter 26 October 2010 | Categories: news
Say it ain’t so, but it seems even more confusion and possible bad news is on the way regarding the release date of the highly anticipated PlayStation 3 exclusive racing simulator, Gran Turismo 5.
The game was originally scheduled to be releasing on the 2nd of November, but a few weeks ago that date was scrapped in preference of a “holiday 2010 release”.
According to LazyGamer however, several online retailers seem to have posted conflicting release dates for the game, fuelling speculation that another delay may be on hand.
EBGames in the United States posted that the game will only be available on the 1st of January 2011 while had it penned at 31 December 2010. The German Amazon however posted a date of 8 December 2010, so let's hope they at least know what they're talking about.
If anything, this shows that Sony has not communicated final dates with resellers, with marketing and retail space diminishing each day that the game is delayed.
We will hope against hope that the game will see the light of day before the end of 2010, but the way things are looking now, don't be surprised to hear Sony relegating the game to a Q1 2011 slot.
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