HP Networking country manager vacates position
By Tom Manners 4 October 2010 | Categories: news
HP today announced that Lorna Hardie, HP Networking (HPN) country manager has taken the decision to take on a new challenge within HP South Africa after five and a half years in her current position.
Lorna will leave the HP Networking division at the end of October, HP’s financial year end. Lorna has decided to take a position on the Global Account sales team managing three strategic accounts.
Lorna has led the HPN RSA team from strength to strength, both as sales manager and overall business unit manager, where the team have excelled and set an example of best in class in the MEMA region.
“While Lorna has been a key asset to the success of the HPN team in South Africa, we are delighted that she will bring her expertise and strengths to the Global Account sales team,” says Frank van Rees, HP RSA MD and Enterprise Business Lead.
“After the recent successful integration with 3Com, the extensive HP Networking RSA team, with a broad spectrum of skills and experience, is in a very strong position and it is the perfect time for Lorna to explore new opportunities,” say van Rees.
The process for identifying and appointing a suitable replacement has already begun. In the event of a suitable replacement not being confirmed at the end of October, the MEMA Regional HPN manager will act as interim lead for HP Networking in South Africa. Through this transition period, Amin Kayal, the Service Providers Sales, MEMA, will act as the interim for HPN RSA.
Amin has an extensive history within the HP having joined the organisation 11 years ago as the director of product management for the telecom wireless solution portfolio (legacy Compaq).
Post Compaq merger with HP Amin managed the development of the SDP (Service Delivery Platform), in his latter roles Amin joined the Middle East team as a Client Principal for service providers, and subsequently managed the ME Enterprise sales team and the TS sales team prior to joining the HPN organisation in August 2010.
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