LinkedIn for BlackBerry announced
By Tom Manners 1 September 2010 | Categories: news
BlackBerry holding company Research in Motion has officially announced that it has made an application for popular networking website LinkedIn available to its handset users.
The new LinkedIn for BlackBerry smartphones app from LinkedIn allows users to view profiles of more than 65 million professionals worldwide and in real time from virtually any location.
LinkedIn is a social networking site which supports professional life. A new member signs up every second and one million members join every two weeks.
Because of its exclusive professional focus, in many ways LinkedIn has become the modern equivalent to the resume. User profiles can include work experience, education as well as affiliations.
Unlike paper-based resumes, with LinkedIn users can display recommendations from other members for work they have done.
The BlackBerry LinkeIn application integrates tightly with the users handset, delivering LinkedIn messages to their inbox, uploading appointments onto their calendar and so on.
Although LinkedIn has remained relatively unused among the South African community, local membership is now beginning to skyrocket.
The LinkedIn application for BlackBerry is currently available on BlackBerry App World.
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