By 20 December 2010 | Categories: news


According to reports from Eurogamer, Microsoft is planning on quadrupling the potential of the Xbox Kinect controller-less motion-based gaming system. This will be done by improving the resolution output that the Kinect can handle.

Microsoft is planning on enhancing the compression technology so that more code can be run through the peripheral at any one time. The new improvements should make the Kinect more accurate, with the device being able for example to pick up individual finger movements along with hand rotations.

Hackers and tinkerers are making it their business to discover any possible use for the motion-based technology, and have recently discovered that the claimed 320 x 240 resolution that the Kinect runs can be unlocked to 640 x 480 - if the compression technology can be improved. 
Reports from gamers worldwide who purchased this motion-based peripheral are mixed. Most people are amazed by the controller-less technology and the possibilities that the Kinect introduced, but avid gamers are disappointed by the inaccuracy as seen in games such as Ubisoft’s Fighters Uncaged
This gaming device from Microsoft is selling well, with the Kinect having shifted over 2.5 million units in its first 25 days of release.


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