Microsoft rAge expo highlights
By Hanleigh Daniels 28 September 2010 | Categories: news
The annual South African tech and games expo rAge is almost upon us once again. This year Xbox gamers can amongst others look forward to getting a preview of Microsoft’s controller-less, motion-based gaming add-on Kinect, as well as the forthcoming Fable 3.
Visitors to the expo will get the opportunity to experience Microsoft’s new gaming system at the Xbox 360 stand before its launch in November.
They will also be able to play Fable 3, which is the latest installment in the popular RPG series. It will also be on display at the Xbox 360 stand at rAge, allowing fans of the franchise to get an early look of the title before being released later in October.
The highly anticipated game also features some well known actors doing the voice acting including Stephen Fry, John Cleese and Sir Ben Kingsley.
“Visitors to rAge range from 10-year old gamers that are just starting out, hard core enthusiasts who want to play the latest games on display, and families looking for a great day out together,” says Yvette van Rooyen, Xbox product & marketing manager in South Africa.
“Xbox 360 is using rAge to give visitors a sneak peek at some of the year’s most anticipated releases.”
The rAge expo will run from 1-3 October 2010 at the Coca-Cola Dome in Johannesburg.
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