Mobile traffic is growing faster than voice
By Tom Manners 16 August 2010 | Categories: news
Although mobile broadband currently accounts for only 10% of total mobile subscriptions worldwide it is rapidly contributing to an increase in traffic says telecommunications and data services company Ericsson.
Ericsson's measurement of actual traffic in networks around the world shows that global mobile data has nearly tripled in the last year, growing more than ten times faster than voice. Mobile data traffic continues to grow exponentially even after the historic cross over point in December 2009 when data first exceeded voice, reported by Ericsson earlier this year.
According to Ericsson statistics, global measured mobile data traffic stands at nearly 225,000 terabytes per month as of the second quarter of 2010.
"The growth and benefits of mobile broadband are undeniable," said Ericsson's Senior Vice President, Chief Technology Officer & President of Ericsson Silicon Valley Håkan Eriksson.
"The business model for mobile broadband is becoming one of increasing profitability and competitive differentiation through superior quality of service. Operator's focus on end-to-end converged IP networks is key to addressing the dramatic traffic growth, while reducing costs and improving the user experience. For consumers, mobile broadband is transforming the way we communicate and prosper as a society."
South Africa has one of the highest mobile broadband penetration rates in the world, with mobile broadband accounting for a majority share in overall internet usage locally.
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