Nashua Mobile gives local schools a boost
By Hanleigh Daniels 24 August 2010 | Categories: news
Nashua Mobile has announced the introduction of its Streetwise Solution online learning system to the Laerskool Die Heuwel in Pretoria, which becomes the fifth school to benefit from the company’s biggest corporate social investment (CSI) project of the year.
Streetwise Solution is an email and information terminal that connects schools within disadvantaged communities to on-line data. This data includes online encyclopedias, email, live current news, curriculum based worksheets as well as other teachings and learning tools that is then made available to these schools at a low cost.
On 12 February 2010 the Streetwise Solution was launched at the first school to form part of the project, namely Sigcawu Primary School in the Western Cape. This launch was followed by rollouts at Monokotswai in Bloemfontein, Phembisizwe High School in Ntuzuma, KwaZulu-Natal and Ikusasa Comprehensive School in Tembisa during the course of the year.
“We are excited to have reached five schools with this fantastic online learning offering,” stated Doug Mattheus, marketing director at Nashua Mobile. “Our commitment to education as a key part of our corporate social investment strategy remains as strong as ever because we believe that the youth are our country’s future.”
“This project has helped prepare our pupils for the future and boost pass rates. It is a much-appreciated donation,” says Mr. Zamisa, Phembisizwe High School’s principal.
“These learning materials will help our learners to prepare for and pass their exams,” says Sigcawu Primary School’s principal Mr. Mlumbi. “It will give our pupils access to a lot information and help they couldn’t get in the past.”
Every school has received six Streetwise sets with 30 terminals, Nashua Mobile carrier bags, a printer and a secure storage cabinet. A complete implementation process as well as support services are provided by a community partner who will also train and support a local Streetwise Champion within each school. All connectivity and hosting fees are also covered by the package.
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