New ads system on the way for Gmail
By Hanleigh Daniels 30 March 2011 | Categories: news
Google continues to tinker with its free Gmail email service, revealing that a forthcoming improved ads system (video posted below) is on the way. This announcement comes in the wake of the company’s recently unveiled Smart Labels feature, which assist users in classifying and organising their email.
According to the search giant this new system will lead to less irrelevant ads, Gmail’s importance ranking to be applied to ads, as well as offers and coupons to be shown to users for their local area.
It will be making use of Gmail’s Priority Inbox functionality, which is designed to automatically identify the most important e-mails and separate these from the rest by giving it a more prominent place at the top of user inboxes.
Google states in a post on the Gmail Help section that, “…using some of the same signals that help predict which messages are likely to be important to you [Priority Inbox], Gmail will better predict which ads may be useful to you.”
“For example, if you’ve recently received a lot of messages about photography or cameras, a deal from a local camera store might be interesting. On the other hand if you’ve reported these messages as spam, you probably don’t want to see that deal.”
The company also said that only a few users will observe these above mentioned alterations to the ad system at the start, but as it improves the system it will gradually start to roll it out more widely. As with a lot of other functionality within Gmail, users can also turn it off via the Gmail settings page.
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