Nintendo 3DS line-up to be best ever
By Johan Keyter 26 January 2011 | Categories: news
Speaking in a recent interview with MTV, Nintendo of America's president, Reggie Fils-Aime, said that the third-party launch line-up for the 3DS handheld is "probably the best we've ever had for a launch of a new system."
Fils-Aime stated during the interview that popular first-party titles such as the new Mario Kart 3D and Kid Icarus Uprising will be ready soon, but would not make it to store shelves before this year's E3 gaming expo in June.
The company will however be releasing three first-party titles on launch day, these include Nintendogs + Cats, Pilotwings and Steel Diver, all very successful franchises for Nintendo in the past.
"Mario, Zelda, all of those titles are coming, we like to launch titles when they're ready. And so they'll be ready, they'll be ready soon. Just not in that initial time period of late March to early June," he said.
For hardcore gamers there will be a multitude of exciting third-party titles available at launch though. These include rethought classics such as Street Fighter IV 3D and Dead or Alive Dimensions.
Other third-party titles heading our way at launch include Combat of Giant Dinosaur 3D from Ubisoft, the always popular Professor Layton will be back in Prof Layton and the Miracle Mask from Level 5, and Ridge Racer 3D from Namco as well as Winning Eleven 3DSoccer from Konami will also be available.
"The 30-plus titles that we'll have at launch, we think, are a fantastic launch library and certainly from a third-party perspective, probably the best we've ever had for the launch of a new system" said Fils-Aime.
The Nintendo 3DS handheld will be launching locally on the 25th of March, no pricing details have been announced thus far.
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