Oldest Twitter user dies
By Hanleigh Daniels 29 July 2010 | Categories: news
Age was nothing but a number for the 104 year old Twitter user who put most of her social networking contemporaries to shame with her online popularity.
According to CNN, Ivy Bean lived in a two-story care home in the northern English city of Bradford and had almost 62 000 followers on the popular social networking site.
Bean tweeted each day about her activities from eating fish and chips to relaxing by sitting in the garden. She also frequently corresponded with her Twitter followers.
She was admitted to the hospital two weeks ago with jaundice and the manager of the care home where she was living in, Pat Wright, kept her followers up to date on her page.
After returning to the Hillside Manor care home in the last few days, Wright informed Beans followers that “ivy passed away peacefully at 12.08 this morning”. She added that “Im sorry it took me so long to tell you but it was a very difficult thing to do”.
The cause of her death was not revealed. Bean was also on Facebook, which she joined two years ago, but she preferred Twitter as she thought that it was easier to use and allowed her to have more followers. Her Facebook friend limit was maxed and she even tweeted earlier in the year that she had more than 25 000 pending friend requests.
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