By 27 September 2010 | Categories: news


Sony has recently launched its motion-based gaming response to the Nintendo Wiimote in the form of the PlayStation Move add-on for the PlayStation 3.
This system comes four years after Nintendo launched the Wii and Sony launched its PS3 console, leaving many to question if this move (pardon the pun) hasn’t come too late for Sony. In an interview with Wired, Sony Computer Entertainment America’s senior vice president of Product Development Shuhei Yoshida disagreed with this notion.
“I don’t think we are late, because we couldn’t have made Move when we launched PS3,” Yoshida stated. “We needed the time to be able to create the performance of Move with the target price that we started out with. A 2010 system is what we are launching in 2010. In that sense, I don’t think we are late at all.”
Sony has followed the same path as Nintendo with the PS Move, which utilises a PlayStation Eye camera and the PlayStation Move motion controller, which works along the same lines as the Wiimote and Wii Sensor Bar of the Nintendo Wii.
Microsoft on the other hand chose to opt for a much more innovative approach with its motion-based, controller-less system called Kinect, which tracks the user’s movements. This bold choice has reportedly left the company struggling to achieve a balance between technological innovation and affordability.
The PS Move comes in at R699, whilst Microsoft’s Kinect sensor with “Kinect Adventures” will come in at just under R2 000 when it becomes available just in time for the festive season.


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