President Hugo Chavez hits Twitter milestone
By Hanleigh Daniels 3 November 2010 | Categories: news
Hugo Chavez, Venezuela’s firebrand president, has accumulated over a million Twitter followers (currently 1 008 381), since opening his account on the micro-blogging site in April.
“Good morning, beautiful world. I would like to thank all my fans and followers. We have over a million! Wow! We’re conquering,” Chavez posted in Spanish on Monday.
According to AFP, President Chavez had to open a special department in order to read as well as respond to the large amount of correspondence he got over his Twitter page, with a great deal of these asking him for assistance to either find employment or accommodation.
The outspoken leader mostly employs his Twitter page to defend his government’s actions and to comment on world events. In his last post, for example he congratulated Dilma Rousseff on her election as Brazil’s first female president.
President Chavez might be his country’s most popular Tweeter, but has some ways to go in order to catch up to Lady Gaga who has almost seven million followers and Britney Spears with 6 234 575 followers.
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