By 22 November 2010 | Categories: news


In a public relations mistake which is sure to have top management over at Bioware and Sony fuming, a tweet by a Russian Sony representative all but confirmed the previously unannounced Mass Effect 3.

The tweet, posted on the SCEE (Sony Computer Entertainment Europe) Russia Twitter feed basically put the nail in the coffin for any planned secrecy around the title's announcement, which was rumoured to have its debut at the upcoming SpikeTV Video Game Awards.
According to Ripten, the translated tweet read; "Company #Bioware Award for #VideoGameAwards showed a teaser, in which we can see the first footage of #MassEffect3".
The tweet did more than simply confirm the existence of the game, it also confirmed that the game would probably be making its way to the PlayStation 3 (seeing that the leak came from Sony), the Mass Effect games previously being Xbox 360 exclusives.
The game is set to be officially revealed at the SpikeTV Awards, taking place on the 11th of December in Los Angeles.
After the tweet was leaked the account was quickly deleted, raising more suspicion that it was indeed a legitimate leak.
Either way, the announcement of Mass Effect 3 would surely set alight many a gamers heart, the sci-fi role-playing games being some of Bioware's most popular titles to date.


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