By 23 July 2010 | Categories: news


SEACOM has announced that repairs to their submarine fibre optic cable are expected to be completed today.

A faulty repeater was detected off the coast of Mombasa on the 5th of July, and since then South African broadband users have experienced sporadic downtime on international bandwidth.

Initially the company said that the repairs would take six to eight days, but this date was later extended to 22 July.

While it is not known exactly why the repairs took longer than expected, the company did state previously that a number of factors such as location, water depth, weather and currents may hinder repair procedures.

The company announced yesterday that they have completed physical repairs to the cable and the system was currently undergoing testing before the cable is lowered back into the water.

According to SEACOM all internet connectivity out of Africa should be fully restored by the 23rd of July.



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