By 22 December 2010 | Categories: news


Samsung Mobile South Africa has announced the launch of its proprietary communications client to the South African market. The communications platform, called Ch@t, will be made available across a number of different handsets and will eventually run across all Samsung supported operating systems. 

Ch@t will launch as a Java application that will run on many Samsung phones with Java capabilities. “Samsung users will be able to download the application, free of charge, from the WAP site or the Samsung Application Store,” says Brett Loubser, product manager at Samsung Mobile South Africa. 
This will allow them to communicate via a chat client in real time and at a reduced cost over standard SMS messages. “As Samsung we believe that chat functionality should not just be limited to the upper end Smartphone user as it is an immediate opportunity for users to reduce their cost of communicating.” 
Ch@t will be introduced to the market in a number of phases. “At launch the client will run on proprietary operating systems and will then be rolled out to Android and later, bada devices.” says Loubser. “A user can be rewarded with airtime for using the service, which we believe to be unique in the messenger space” he added. “Further development phases will include some exciting loyalty driven initiatives, while we are incentivising growth at launch, with some exciting prizes that will be delivered through the Ch@t application.”
Ch@t will draw contacts from the user’s contact list in their mobile phone. “It will enable communications for users, making it simpler, faster and much more affordable,” he concludes. 


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