By 12 November 2010 | Categories: news


Sega of America has announced the release date of the anticipated strategy game Shogun 2: Total War. The latest instalment in this series will be on store shelves around the world as of 15 March 2011.
Shogun 2: Total War will feature enhanced full 3D battles that are going to take place on land and sea, which together with its tactical campaign map, is what the Total War series is known for. The game will also boast a brand new artificial intelligence (AI) system, which the company says have been inspired by the scriptures that influenced Japanese warfare.
These scriptures include the millennia old Chinese “Art of War”. According to Sega the game’s developer, the Creative Assembly will be bringing the battlefield astuteness of Master Sun Tsu to Shogun 2: Total War, allowing for the implementation of simple to follow, but really involving strategical gameplay.
Sega will also be bringing out two comic book inspired titles next year, those being Thor: The Video Game and Captain America: Super Soldier.


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