By 25 June 2010 | Categories: news


Local solutions provider StorTech yesterday announced the opening of its EMC Velocity2 Signature Solution Centre in Rivonia, Johannesburg. Designed to demonstrate the value its solutions can offer customers, the centre shows exactly how their cloud computing technology operates in a live environment. 

The Solution Centre is designed to host a number of activities including customer briefings, seminars and workshops, live demonstrations of hardware and software, training, migration planning and executing complex proof-of-concept demonstrations.
The first solution to be demonstrated by the Centre is the EMC Proven solution for virtualised Microsoft Exchange Environments. This solution is designed to reduce complexity and costs at every stage of the email lifecycle while simultaneously managing rapid email growth. This allows customers to meet service levels, protect data, and simplify deployment, consolidation, and backup/restore processes.
Based on the success of EMC’s own Global Solution Centres, the StorTech Solution Centre replicates a framework of technology that demonstrates EMC Proven solutions in an approved environment
“We are giving our customers real choice and the best of both worlds – the chance to see exactly how the Proven solution would work for them based on EMC technology, without them having to commit any money at all,” Tim Knowles, CEO of StorTech said.


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