The Beatles coming to iTunes
By Johan Keyter 16 November 2010 | Categories: news
According to The Wall Street Journal, Apple will today announce the availability of music by The Beatles for sale on the company's online music store, iTunes.
Apple has been involved with lengthy negotiations with The Beatles, toted as the best-selling music group of all time, and has finally reached an agreement with the band and its record company, EMI, according to the WSJ, who cited sources familiar with the situation.
Depending on the terms of the deal Beatles fans will for the first time ever be able to buy legal digital copies of favourites such as Yellow Submarine, Let it Be or A Hard Days Night.
Neither Apple nor EMI was available to confirm the deal, but the technology giant did post a cryptic message on its homepage stating, "tomorrow is just another day. That you'll never forget." Some have since speculated that the message could refer to Paul McCartney's song Another Day.
Recorded-music sales have plummeted in recent years with the rampant spread of pirated online music, but The Beatles have remained one of the highest selling artists to date. The band even sold the third-highest number of albums in the US last year, selling 3.3 million copies, even after being retired for 39 years.
The Beatles will soon be joining the iTunes fraternity, but other famous artists such as AC/DC, Bob Seger and Kid Rock still withhold their music from the store.
The announcement is expected to be confirmed later today at 7 a.m. Pacific Time in the United States.
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