Top ten most torrented movies
By Tom Manners 7 July 2010 | Categories: news
Torrent news website Torrent Freak yesterday posted the ten most pirated movies currently on download client BitTorrent, with some arguably surprising results.
Torrent piracy has now become a mainstay for international internet users who utilise portals such as The Pirate Bay and download clients such as uTorrent and BitTorrent. Despite the internationally recognised illegality of this system, it has quickly risen in popularity and continues unabated.
Recently a number of South Africans became more active in this download community after numerous local Internet Service Providers slashed rates on uncapped accounts, making broadband much more affordable.
Top 10 Most Downloaded Movies on BitTorrent
1) Twilight Saga: Eclipse
2) The Karate Kid
3) Cop Out
4) She’s out of my League
5) Hot Tub Time Machine
6) Green Zone
7) The Losers
8) Book of Eli
9) Toy Story 3 (Cam)
10) The A Team
Toy Story 3’s 9th position on the list, despite being a camera rip, stands as a testiment to how popular the movie has become in a short span of time. The most popular title, by a considerable margin, was the latest instalment in the Twilight Saga - Eclipse.
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