By 13 March 2012 | Categories: news


Apparently, March is a good month for shopping – if you’re into the latest technology, you can buy the next iPad, if you are a portable console fan, you can buy a PlayStation Vita (if you haven’t already), and if you’re Twitter, you can buy blogging and sharing site Posterous.
On its blog, Posterous stated that the company “couldn’t be happier about bringing our team’s expertise to a product that reaches hundreds of millions of users around the globe.” It added that as an added bonus, Twitter shared its vision for making sharing simpler.
Posterous reassured however, that for the time being, Posterous Spaces would remain up and running without disruption.  
“For users who would like to back up their content or move to another service, we’ll share clear instructions for doing so in the coming weeks,” it elaborated. Additionally, users can continue to post to Posterous via email or the iOS and Android apps without fear.
No buyers remorse here
On the Twitter blog, the company spoke in glowing terms of Posterous, commenting that it had built an innovative product that makes sharing across the web and mobile devices simple.
“Posterous engineers, product managers and others will join our teams working on several key initiatives that will make Twitter even better,” it added.
The company explained that it was always looking for talented people who have the passion and personality to join Twitter. “Acquisitions have given us people and technology that have enabled us to more quickly build a better Twitter for you,” it elaborated. Neither company disclosed the terms of the acquisition.
Twitter reiterated that Posterous Spaces will remain up and running without disruption, promising to give users “ample notice” if it makes any changes to the service.
Goodbye and see you soon
Posterous thanked its users, saying “The last four years have been an amazing journey. Your encouragement, praise and criticism have made us better. Thanks for that. We look forward to building great things for you over at Twitter.”
Apparently, Twitter is not the only company with a shopping list this month. Amongst the more credible rumours, according to the International Business Times, is one that CNN has plans to acquire social media site Mashable for a cool $200 million.
The site noted that if it came to pass, Mashable, which has a 20 million strong monthly visitor base, would bolster the news giant’s internet sites and “add a fresh mix of news, technology and entertainment topics to its online presence.”

Apparently, parent company Time Warner can well afford it, having reported cash and investments above the $5.2 billion mark as of the end of last year. Mashable has not yet commented on the rumour though. 


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