By 6 September 2010 | Categories: news


Massively popular Microblogging platform Twitter confirmed this weekend that it has officially signed up 145 million registered users, a milestone for the website, which launched just four years ago. 
Twitter co-founder Evan Williams commented in a post on the Twitter blog that the site has experienced exponential growth since its inception and that to date almost 300 000 applications have been developed around the website. 
“We currently have more than 145 million registered users and the performance of our Promoted Products has exceeded our expectations. But we still have lots of room to grow and improve. We look forward to seeing what’s next” said Williams.
Williams also added that the number of Twitter users on mobile devices has increased by 62% since April and that 16% of new users currently start on website’s the mobile platform.
Among the most popular methods of accessing Twitter in the past 30 days were the platform’s official website, mobile website, Twitter for iPhone, Twitter for BlackBerry and third party application TweetDeck.


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