By 19 January 2010 | Categories: news


Last week, porn star Ron Jeremy decided to take a little break from the Adult Entertainment Expo, which was being held in Las Vegas at the same time as the Consumers Electronic Show (CES), to attend the Great Porn Debate at CES.

While at the Great Porn Debate, Jeremy argued that violent video games, the likes of the popular Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, have “a much bigger negative influence on kids” than the x-rated movies he so frequently starred in, reports the BBC. His argument being that parents should be more protective of their children enjoying the latest brutal video games, like the forthcoming Aliens vs. Predator and Dante's Inferno, than protecting them from viewing the latest downloadable porn feature. Although Jeremy also doesn’t want to see kids accessing porn sites, stating that the [porn]industry is doing all it can to prevent that from happening.   

Jeremy isn’t the only person of note who seems to have a bone to pick with the gaming industry. President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, expressed the opinion on state run TV-radio show "Alo Presidente", that Sony’s PlayStation 3 console is a “poison” leading innocent youth down the road to a capitalist hell. It would appear that president Chavez’s motivation is even more obvious than Jeremy's, with him saying, “[t]hose games they call ‘PlayStation’ are poison. Some games teach you to kill. They once put my face on a game, you’ve got to find Chavez to kill him.” We were under the impression that Colombia was to blame for all the violence in Venezuela. 

He explained his 'road to hell' theory in the following way, any game wherein you “bomb cities or just throw bombs,” are fashioned by capitalist nations as a way to cultivate a culture of violence in the youth in order to “later sell weapons” to them as adults. These same nations also “promote the need for cigarettes, drugs and alcohol so they can sell them. That’s capitalism, the road to hell.”

Although gamers at CES referred to Jeremy’s comments as being poorly informed, some would say that they aren't entirely without merit. Recent stories like a 15 year old Romanian boy stabbing his adoptive mother to death after she stopped paying the internet bills, as a means of curbing what she considered his online gaming addiction, add credence to Jeremy's opinion. It was also reported that after stabbing her 17 times he went to the nearest internet café to play Counter-Strike and later turned himself in to the local authorities. This is an example in the extreme however.

Do you think playing violent video games makes people more prone to violence? Send us your opinions and comments to, or leave your comment after the story. 


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