Windows 7 crosses 150 million mark
By Hanleigh Daniels 24 June 2010 | Categories: news
Microsoft has announced that they have sold the 150 millionth licence for Windows 7 OS.
The company took just six months to reach the 100 million mark in licenses sold after the OS was first launched and less than two months after that they reached the 150 million mark. The beta version of Windows Live Essentials (Microsoft's free apps for communicating with friends and family via the net and also sharing your photos, movies and music) was also announced and should become available for download later today.
“As I’ve said before, Windows 7 is the fastest selling operating system in history with 7 copies of Windows 7 sold every second,” wrote Brandon LeBlanc, who runs Microsoft’s The Windows Blog.
Thus far the reception towards Windows 7 has been far more favourable than Windows Vista, which preceded the operating system. Overall, technology critics and regular users have acknowledged that Microsoft’s redesign, both aesthetically and structurally, of Windows 7 has brought the platform neck and neck with other popular systems such as Snow Leopard for Mac and Ubuntu.
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