By 5 October 2012 | Categories: news


Gamers be warned: rAge (Really Awesome Game Expo) is here, and it is an absolute and relentless assault on the senses. If day one is any indication, it’s also a gamers paradise.
The first day of the expo was already a packed event, with gamers jostling for space and standing in line to try out the latest and forthcoming titles.
Particular highlights included playable demos of the forthcoming Tomb Raider reboot, which looks absolutely fantastic, God of War: Ascension, Halo 4 (also known as The Xbox 360’s best friend), Medal of Honor: Warfighter, a rather significant line for ZombiU (which our playtime spent earlier this year proved to be well worth any waiting) and  Assassin’s Creed 3.
No less deserving of a mention is Sony’s Wonderbook: Book of Spells, which certainly looks considerably more enchanting in play than it sounded in plain description.
Nothing wrong with a good game for the young or families...
Angry birds and hopeful players
On the hardware front, the Wii U, PS Vita, and 3DS XL are all available to go hands on with, with each in their own way, making a solid argument for taking a bite out of one’s year end bonus, if it hasn’t been earmarked already. On the Wii U, we were particularly impressed by Rayman: Legends and Darksiders 2.
Add this to how delightful Pikmin was to play, and the genuine scares offered up by ZombiU, and we suspect that the Wii U may very well repeat some of the success enjoyed by the Wii when it launched.
Also attracting its fair share of waiting participants was the Angry Birds/Free Me stand, where players could throw an Angry Bird plushy at a well constructed tower of pigs, and win prizes, all while supporting a good cause in the form of animal conservation and rescue organisation, FreeMe.
If you are a car enthusiast at all, the Forza stand is a must visit, or must avoid, depending on your predilection, as you will likely not look at your lowly Jag, Mercedes or BMW quite the same again after seeing the showcase attraction.
Yes, we know - we dream about owning one too...
Top tips for a productive experience
If you are attending the expo this weekend, take heed of our three top tips:
  • Get there early. If the first day is any indication, there is going to be no shortage of attendees; and no shortage of wait times to try out a strong selection of tempting titles.
  • Take your time. The expo can be quite overwhelming, at least at first, as there is quite literally so much to see, packed close together, that it can be quite easy to overlook something interesting due to the sheer barrage on your senses. Our advice: give yourself plenty time to see everything on offer.
  • Explore the smaller stands too. Along with a strong line-up of games to whet your appetite, there are also competitions, some fantastic artwork to ogle at, booths dedicated to 3D design and game development design, and of course, sales to be taken advantage of.  
To the point
A particular highlight for us though, was a rather revealing interview with Ster Kinekor, on forthcoming developments for Sony's PlayStation and Vita consoles, which will be online soon. What we can say is that PlayStation players have plenty to look forward to in the months ahead, we suggest you start saving now.
The cost of entry to rAge is R60 for a single day, or one can purchase a weekend pass for R100. It is certainly well worth a visit, if not two. Visit the website for more info. 


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