Pleo Dinosaur
By Andrew Gould 7 January 2009 | Categories: gizmos
It’s been some time, well about 65 million years, since there were any dinosaurs walking around the place and it doesn’t look like scientists are trying very hard to bring them back either, but if you really must have a baby dino of your very own, why don’t you get yourself a Pleo?
Pleo is made by the very people who brought the world Furby, that first taste of artificial pets. Pleo is quite a lot more advanced than Furby, but hasn’t lost any of the charm. Pleo starts out as a new hatchling that you have to raise, and as it grows older it will gain a personality of its very own. Once you get to know Pleo a bit better you can log on to the companion site, where you can connect, find training tips and download new enhancements for your family’s latest edition. Like the Furby, this is one seriously hi-tech toy, with a sophisticated sensory system including a colour camera, sound sensors, two infrared sensors, 14 motors, over 100 gears, eight touch sensors, and an orientation sensor.
Get Pleo for R3999 (incl VAT) from The G.A.D.G.E.T. Shop on 012-346-2726 or
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