If you are old enough to still remember the original Alone in the Dark, you will have recollections of a spooky old house that you had to explore while having the willies scared out of you. Well not much has changed except that the spooky house changed into a spooky building, park and sewers but you WILL still have the willies scared out of you! True to horror genres you start the game confused with no memory and a gun hovering in your face, just to heighten the tension. Whilst trying to get your memory back you will have to escape one dangerous situation after another. A very ingenious concept is that the whole game is environmental. What does this mean? You will have to use the environment to solve puzzles, get past obstacles and avoid hazardous objects thrown straight at you...e.g. exploding cars, yes they throw cars at you.
Another unique concept that Alone In The Dark incorporates is the never get stuck again feature. In our opinion this is better than the invention of toasters. All gamers come to a part in a game where they get stuck, either two things happen at this point: you persevere and finish the game (this usually involves colourful wording)or it gets shelved and gathers a sizable amount of dust. With Alone In The Dark this will never happen as like a DVD you can jump to different chapters of the game or go back and replay a chapter you felt you played badly. Alone In The Dark boasts excellent graphics and scare you out of your mind situations, sadly the game controls have not been ported well from the console version to PC and you will battle to control your character.
That said, maybe it’s time to consider getting a Xbox 360 controller for your PC. This game is certainly worth it!