By Hanleigh Daniels 17 October 2011


In today’s tech centric world there are a plethora of mobile devices that are capable of playing music, such as portable music players, smartphones, mobile gaming devices, notebooks and tablets. On occasion you may wish to share the listening experience with a friend or colleague, but sharing a pair of earphones can be uncomfortable, unhygienic (earwax transfer) and diminish the quality of the audio (especially if each of you only has one earbud to listen through).

Hook up with friends via magnetism

Enter Skunk Juice’s FG earbuds that utilise patented magnetic connection technology which is incorporated into the magnetic attachments within the earbud cabling. It employs a two-part jack design with each half possessing a magnet that corresponds to the other piece (see the funny promo video posted below).

So when another Skunk Juice user wants to listen to your music, he or she simply snaps on the magnetised earphone cable connection into your cable’s magnetised base (Skunk Juice Connector) and voila, they get instant auditory access to your tunes. Up to four friends can listen to music from the same device using this magnetic cable linking system.
Safe and easy on the ears

Besides the convenience of having multiple users being easily able to share the music listening experience, Humble Fish, the company behind the Skunk Juice products, states that these earphones also assist in preventing damage to your music playing devices and earphones. One can easily drop your iPod touch for instance and damage it, if you get distracted and get up to walk away from the device with your headset still connected to it. This will not be an issue with the Skunk Juice FG in-ear phones as they simply disconnect from the magnetic base.   
Audio quality

Humble Fish have also ensured that even lofty users have no issues with the sound cable being too short, as the Skunk Juice FG in-ear phones sport a 1.32 m long tangle free cable.

The earbuds themselves feature noise isolation which does a really good job of insulating you from the environmental noise that may come between you and your music listening enjoyment.

In terms of sound quality, the FG in-ear phones can’t match the high quality of the Skullcandy Roc Nation Aviator headphones, but is still very good indeed, with only a small degree of distortion occurring at the highest volumes. Speaking about volume, these puny in-ear phones are capable of a pretty impressive level of sound power, but they could do with some deeper bass though.

Final word

The Skunk Juice FG in-ear phones introduces a new, simple way to share the music listening experience between multiple users from a single device. It boasts a fairly decent sound quality and very good volume level. You can pick up a pair for a recommended retail price of R295, which includes two pairs of earphones, as well as an additional pair of earbuds. For more info contact Technology Innovated Distribution on 010-500-0111 or visit   


Easy music sharing functionality, safely and easily connects as well as disconnects from the magnetic base, long audio cable, loud and clear sound quality.   


Lacks bass oomph.


Easy music sharing functionality, safely and easily connects as well as disconnects from the magnetic base, long audio cable, loud and clear sound quality.
Lacks bass oomph.

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