By Andrew Gould 6 June 2008


It really doesn’t matter what your router looks like, it’s much like Wayne Rooney, purely functional, but you have to admit the Billion BiPAC 7402GX is a good looking thing. You want it on top of your desk, ­perhaps in a frame or on a
velvet cushion.

The 7402GX has four Ethernet ports, for wired networks and an antenna for wireless networks. Like all the new routers coming out the Billion is compliant with ADSL2+, although no word yet as to when we’ll be seeing ADSL2+. If your ADSL is prone to ­outages, especially in an office ­setting the added feature of a USB port for a 3G modem makes a lot of sense.

You will have to ensure though that the Billion is compatible with your current 3G modem. At the time of writing, three compatible modems were listed on the Billion website, so if yours isn’t there, you’ll have to wait for an update. Available from Matrix Warehouse for R1749.

This is a decent router which offers 3G support making it ideal if you need a backup connection.
The 3G integration isn???t great and data transfer rates are average.

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