By Thomas McKinnon 4 July 2008


Today Green is more than just a colour; it’s a choice .And yet consumer electronics are instrumental in daily life despite being a large source of personal power consumption and a catalyst for global warming. Dilemma!

The innovative Genius might have a solution. The SlimStar 820 Solargizer desktop wireless mouse and keyboard is designed with Green in-mind. The keyboard sports an adjustable solar panel for the internal storage of clean, free energy.

Fully charged, the device has five hours life without a light source. While the solar panel may seem gimmicky Genius was a 2007 CES Innovation Honouree.

Unfortunately the mouse still requires batteries making it cumbersome and un-Green. But it does boast ‘ultra-power saving’ technology allowing batteries to last up to 15 months. So while the SlimStar 820 may not save the planet at one fell swoop, it does point in the direction of greater innovation.

It ’s RRP is R570 (excl). For more info call Axiz on 011-237-7054.

The device is ergonomic and has a wide selection of hotkeys.
The solar power panel feels gimmicky ??? your screen would have to face a light source for the keyboard to charge.

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