The Pixma MP970 Photo All-In-One Printer is Canon’s top-of-the-line multifunction printer, and in a world of hundreds of multifunctions swarming the earth, this one is clawing its way past the competition.
Bear in mind, this is not a small device. It’s probably as big as all-in-ones go, but its size can be attributed to the fact that the MP970 is chock full of features. It may be big, but it’s certainly not ugly. The Canon looks like a silver and black stately home in the English countryside. Canon says that the 4x6 inch photos is printed at photo lab quality, and that’s not far off the truth, the print quality is pretty amazing. The MP970 uses 7 individual ink cartridges to produce better quality prints than the cheaper MP610, for instance. There won’t be any speed prizes won here, but it does print black at about 30 copies a minute and colour at 22 a minute, bearing in mind that it’s not a laser printer. Get it for R2889 (incl VAT) from Computer Corporation on 08616-08616.