By 20 February 2009 | Categories: web time wasters


Every one loves to receive funny emails at work to brighten up their day.

But it seems there is always “that guy” who has hundreds of contacts and sends them all hilarious emails daily. He is always the first person to get the latest emails that are circulating the net, and no one can keep up with him. How would you feel if we told you that with our help you could be “that guy”?

All you have to do is go to the site It’s that simple. They have one of the largest collections of emails that are currently going around as well as a vast database of older, popular emails. And the best part – it’s proudly South African with some content that only a South African would get.

So now that you are well on your way to being “that guy” all you need to do is copy his contacts and send all the funny stuff you find on emailjokes to them, so that by the time he sends the same emails – its old news.


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