By 17 February 2009 | Categories: web time wasters


The word on the web is that blogging is “old school”. Why would anybody do anything quite as time consuming as publishing a weblog when they could just publish a tumblelog?

Wikipedia describes a tumblelog as “a variation of a blog that favors short-form, mixed-media posts over the longer editorial posts frequently associated with blogging”. A bit like Cherryflava meets StumbleUpon really.

One of the more impressive tumblelog creation tools we’ve come across is Tumblr. Created by one David Karp, who was predictably only 19 at the time, Tumblr allows users to publish and share text, links, images, videos, audio clips and quotes they come across in their daily trawling of the Web.

In this way a tumblelog is far closer to pure editing than writing; moving away from the demands of punditry to the simplicity of collecting content you find valuable and interesting. Our own TechSmart Magazine Tumble is an ideal example; see for instance our post on David Karp. We have taken to sharing tech articles we come across that are of particular interest to us or bear some relevance to articles we are working on ourselves.

So start following our tumblelog and why not create your own? You'll soon realise how addictive it can become.


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