By Andrew Gould 22 May 2009


LG is looking to embed itself firmly in the ­camera phone market, with the KC550 probably their first attempt at building a phone that aims primarily at the user who wants a great ­camera phone, without all the other stuff that push up the price.

Looks-wise the KC550 is a rather demure creature. Sure, it doesn’t make a huge fashion statement, but it\'s hardly an eyesore, in fact, we think its understated nature works very well.

The KC550 features a music player, although you’re stuck with the headphones LG gives you, as there is no 3.5 mm jack for third-party headphones. It also includes an ­­accelero-meter, used for six ­built-in games called M-Toy.

Of all the features of the KC550, the camera is, by far, the star. It has a Schneider-Kreuznach lens, autofocus, image stabiliser and a macro feature for close-ups.

Although it lacks a Xenon flash, it does have a powerful LED illuminator. The video recording capabilities of the camera are impressive too, with a DVD-like resolution of 720 x 480 pixels, at 30 fps. All this makes it one of the cheapest 5 megapixel camera phones on the market and certainly worth the investment.

Its Schneider-Kreuznach lens, autofocus, image stabiliser and macro features are great additions.
It lacks a Xenon flash which would have added nicely to its camera features.

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