The adage ‘diamonds are a girls best friend’ requires a rethink. The HTC Touch Diamond has no gender preferences; it aims to please any and all users. The phone, HTC points out, “signals a giant leap forward in combining hi-tech prowess with intuitive usability and exhilarating design”. Their case has not been over-stated.
A 2.8"VGA touch screen is the phone’s piece de resistance. Your thumb will be doing back flips on the crystal clear display from the instant you begin interacting. It’s ultra-intuitive with TouchFlo 3D technology providing animated access to messaging, email, photos, music, the web and more. HTC have truly discovered a new dimension in Touch. The Diamond sets a smart phone benchmark in chipset, screen resolution, and web browsing innovation. Its 3.2 megapixel camera includes an optical auto-focus lens ensuring clear image capturing. Advanced 3.5G HSDPA 7.2Mbps data downlink speeds, enhanced browser navigation, and auto sensor screen pivoting are just a few features that make the Diamond experience both novel and enthralling.
The device is powered by Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional. This means it supports a plethora of user features. From third party application support, Internet sharing with notebooks, USB charging, and multiple communication platforms, to Bluetooth keyboard the phone has a full house.
Obvious is the fact that HTC put some thought into the phone’s styling. It’s small, lightweight and has a black steel case sporting a geometric design fashioned on the facets of an actual diamond. So for those who can’t appreciate its technical features there are still talking points.
With the launch of the iPhone in Q4 and the Diamond’s superior all-round spec’s it would appear HTC have also perfected timing. A further bonus is its availability on all carriers, the iPhone will be network locked to Vodacom. So while HTC ’s Diamonds may not be forever they certainly will be the ‘spec-rich ’ smart phone for the foreseeable future.