By Robin-Leigh Chetty 28 January 2015


Motorola may be a forgotten cellphone icon here at home, but the second generation Moto X proves a welcome return, serving up a beautifully undistilled version of Android unlike any other.
Beautifully designed with solid construction; Fast and responsive UI; Frustrating bloatware kept at bay
Limited local availability at this stage; Slightly sub par camera for flagship smartphone
As far as extra features go, the Moto X features a few mid-range offerings, the most evident of which is a 13 MP camera that captures solid images, although highly nuanced detail is sometimes missed. Overall however, the Moto X is well positioned within the lower end of the flagship smartphone bracket, especially given its R6 600 (16 GB) price tag. Retailing for a good R1 500 less than its rivals, the Moto X will give its user plenty of joy until that two year upgrade rolls by.

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