By 27 February 2015 | Categories: news


Players be warned: downloadable content will be marching in on your free time next month, with yet another existing title, The Evil Within, bringing some more horrifyingly gory suspense. The game’s DLC, innocuously titled The Assignment, has been dated and received its own trailer.

While the main game placed players behind the badge and shield of Sebastian Castellanos, the DLC focuses instead on his partner, Detective Juli Kidman (played by the always appealing Jennifer Carpenter). Considering that Carpenter is perhaps best remembered as playing the potty-mouthed Debra in Dexter, the question on our minds is whether Juli can best Deb’s score for dropping the most F-bombs in an hour. We shall see.

Anyway, stealth will apparently play a larger role in the DLC than it did in the main game. Players can expect to learn more about Kidman’s fate and her connection with Mobius in the The Assignment, although her story will only be concluded later in the year, with the next DLC, The Consequence.

The DLC is slated to drop on the 10th March, either as part of the Season Pass or for a not-too-horrifying $10 (R110).


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