By 16 August 2017 | Categories: news


If speaker maker Ultimate Ears (UE) is not on your radar, it may be now. A handful of the company's portable speakers have been sporting voice integration via Siri and Google Now, and the latest assistant added to the mix is Amazon's Alexa.

There is however, one caveat, with it only compatible with Android devices for now. As always, the Ultimate Ears designed speakers do not work independently, and will need to be paired to a device in order to facilitate the voice integration.  

Coming to the Ultimate Ears Boom 2 and Megaboom speakers, one will still need to press the Bluetooth button on either device and issue a voice command in order for it to work. There is also one other thing to bear in mind, with the full suite of Alexa's features not available on the UE speakers. As such, things like asking Alexa questions will still have to be done via the mobile app.

It's not a perfect version of Alexa, but may prove a more cost effective option for those that want a taste of digital assistants.


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