By 2 October 2015 | Categories: news


If like us, you are hankering for more news and teasers of the forthcoming Rise of the Tomb Raider, well, today is your lucky day. Firstly, it has been confirmed by the developers during an interview with Pixel Vulture that the forthcoming game will weigh in with between 15 to 40 hours worth of gameplay. More specifically, gamers can expect to be kept busy between 15 and 20 hours if they just run through the story and up to 40 hours if they aim to complete every secret tomb, complete all side quests and find all the collectibles.

Additionally, a good ten minute video of gameplay has dropped. This one shows Lara navigating her way through the snowy wilderness and doing a good amount of exploration (as opposed to the stabbing and killing from the previous teaser).

If you played the previous entry, it’s quite apparent that the gameplay is pretty familiar, with Lara still scrambling up walls, zipping down ziplines and climbing her way up to hard to reach places. However, we also see her swimming (and if the thought of taking a dunk in an icy body of water in this environment doesn’t give you the chills, nothing will).

The one set of caverns we see Lara delving into appears much vaster, and quite a bit spookier, than we remember from Tomb Raider, evoking fond memories of Indiana Jones. Such exploration is not for naught, as Lara scores an upgrade for her bow before exiting back out into the snowswept landscape.

In short, this gameplay trailer does exactly what we were hoping it would, amping up excitement for the forthcoming game. Take a look at the below to see if it does the same for you.


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