By 10 April 2015 | Categories: news


It’s not often that you have a hit on your hands with a new IP, especially if it’s exclusive to a system, but that is indeed the case with Bloodborne on the PS4. Coming from From Software, the folks behind Dark Souls, we thought it was born to be bloody brilliant in our review. Local distributor Ster Kinekor notes it’s a smash hit locally, so much so that they had to replenish stock.

For those gamers that have neither a PS4, nor Bloodborne, you’re in for a bit of a treat. According to Ster Kinekor the game will come free when you purchase a PS4 console, beginning at R6 000. This deal is available from all participating retailers for a limited time only, so if you’re interested you have to pick up yours before 19 April 2015.

Hit the trailer below to see what all the Bloodborne fuss is all about.


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