Bungie unveiling fourth expansion for Destiny next week
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 3 June 2016 | Categories: news
Still playing Destiny? If so, you'll be glad to know the fourth expansion for the game is currently being prepped for an unveiling. The expansion in question, rumoured to be the Rise of Iron, will reportedly see gamers enter another Crucible event, where the spoils of war will be great indeed.
Developer Bungie confirmed a live stream event for next week, 9 June at 19:00 CAT, where the company's official Twitch channel will be sharing all the finer points of this upcoming expansion.
Apart from when and where, little else is known about this expansion, but guessing by the Iron Banner armour that the Guardians are wearing in the lead image, it will likely be a continuation of the Iron Banner event.
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