By 31 August 2018 | Categories: news


Apparently, there is plenty of life left in the single player game. If the success of God of War PS4 wasn’t enough to convince you of that fact, consider this: Gwent’s forthcoming single player campaign is breaking away from multi-player to stand on its own.

According to CD Projekt Red, the single player campaign, rather than being a mode, will span a good 30 hours worth of role playing goodness on its own under the moniker of Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales. As yet, no specific date, nor price, has been divulged.

The move is an interesting one, proving that developers of CD Projeckt Red’s caliber are still seeing single player as a viable market to cater to. And rightly so. It’s also refreshing, especially when you consider the number of developers jumping on the multiplayer Battle Royale bandwagon these days.  

Although the standalone single player version of Gwent game will come to PS4, Xbox One and PC, there is no word yet whether the company will satiate our desire to play it on the go as well, whether on iOS or the Nintendo Switch.


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