Canon Series: Mark Mansfield’s Top Tip
By Staff Writer 23 September 2015 | Categories: sponsored content
Aviation photographer, Mark Mansfield has been in the game for a number of years, with the flight mileage to prove it. If you are looking to make the break into the world of professional photography, you would do well to heed Mansfield’s top tip.
Mark Mansfield: Aspiring photographers seem to forget that it takes years of hard work, and lots of blood, sweat and tears (plus frustrations) to get ahead in the world of corporate/professional photography. I always advise beginners to have a back-up plan in terms of financial gains. In other words, do not rely solely on photography as your main source of income when you start out, because it’s a tough industry to break into and to make a living off your skills is not as easy as it looks. If you do have a main source of income, you can them begin to master your trade and start building a name for yourself in the industry.
Visit Mark Mansfield's website to see more of his amazing photography.
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