By 25 August 2015 | Categories: sponsored content


As one of the world’s premier shark photographers, Cape Townian, Chris Fallows knows a thing or two about patience. As part of our Canon Series, we chatted to him about his favourite shot.

chris fallows

Chris Fallows: I guess my favourite shot would have to be my wide angle great white shark breaching image with a big wintery sky in the background. It’s technically a very hard shot to get as you need to shoot from very low to get the subject clear of the water line. The action also needs to take place close to where I am shooting and, above all, you need a spectacular breach to really make the subject pop out.

I have tried to get this shot for many years and had fair results, what made this shot special was the truly incredible athleticism of the shark and great profile it offered mid-breach.

For more of Chris' work, visit his store


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