EA’s Humble Bundle forgoes modesty
By Ryan Noik 15 April 2015 | Categories: news
It is hard to argue with the value routinely dished up by Humble Bundles, whether these contain books, comics or games. Typically, the fact that Humble Bundles invariably cost less than the price of a single book/comic or game would be enough, but further sweetening the deal is that proceeds go to charities as well.
Even so, EA’s latest Humble Bundle manages to excel at combining great bargains and great games with a worthwhile cause or three.
Its latest bundle includes the likes of Dragon Age: Origins, Dead Space 2, Peggle and Command and Conquer: Generals, for a near ludicrous price of just under $5 (R55). Also included in the price is Medal of Honour: Allied Assault and its expansions.
Pushing boundaries
As per usual, there is more value to be had for those who step over the $5 mark, enabling them to add PC versions of Dragon Age 2, Mass Effect 2 and Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare to their score. As if heavyweights like Mass Effect and Dragon Age weren’t enough, of course, there are a few more, as yet unnamed titles, to be added. The games can be redeemed via Origin.
The only caveat with the Humble Bundle is that you need to act fast, as it will only be available for the next two weeks. Although the bundle has only just become available, already it is purchases counter is healthy turning over, with almost 190 000 bundles sold to date.
The heartening thing is where all that money is going; rather than into a corporation’s pockets (EA has forgone receiving any of the proceeds), it goes to one of three charities. These include Girls who Code, which as the name suggests, helps women pursue computer science careers; buildOn, which addresses global poverty and The V Foundation, which conducts cancer research.
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