By 4 March 2015 | Categories: news


Here at TechSmart, we're suckers for Geek-themed merchandise. Whether it be a new Star Wars action figure or Doctor Who collectibles. That being said, those toys are always mass produced, so we're in the market for something a little more exclusive. Enter The Sucklord, a New York-based "toymaker" (for lack of a better word) who assembles toys from discarded parts. Like Dr. Frankenstein, Sucklord seems to breathe new life into otherwise totally useless odds and ends.

In a new video courtesy of Joey Garfield on Vimeo, we're taking into the depths of his Suckadelic corporation and see how he goes about making his one of a kind pieces.

Sucklord describes his work as "bootleg action figures", going on to liken his method of creation to that of sampling in rap music. He also notes that the toys he makes are not quite fitting for a conventional toystore, nor are they quite the right fit for an art gallery. His toys are indeed in your face, as The Sucklord has a greater desire to defy societal conventions with the works themselves.  

Click on the video below to see Sucklord at work, and be advised that it contains “mature” themes. .  

"The Sucklord" by Joey Garfield from ghostrobot on  


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