By 6 November 2015 | Categories: news


Something for the Fallout 4 fans, or perhaps to quell the rage of not getting our hands on the actual working Pipboy, the new Pipboy app has landed for free download on iOS and Android. We first saw it in action during Bethesda's E3 presentation for Fallout 4, and it features plenty of easter eggs than fans of the franchise will no doubt enjoy. It also plays the perfect compliment to the Fallout Shelter game, as we wait for the console/PC version to arrive on 10 November. 

While some the app's mini games are intriguing and great for killing time, the real purpose of the app is to sync to your PS4, Xbox One or PC version of the game and check in on your character's stats and status. 

While the Pipboy app is purely mobile device compatible for now, Polygon has hinted that a wearable OS version might be coming for Apple Watch and Android Wear users, which could make checking your Fallout 4 status surreptitiously easier.


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