By 17 July 2015 | Categories: news


With so many Star Wars fans out there, it's rather strange that we have not seen such a video debut already. That said, the video in question features YouTube user Bill Parker, who's pictured at the beginning of the video wearing a Jedi robe, strap on a GoPro just before he 'battles' a lot of Stormtroopers. 

With the help of his Jedi-like reflexes, Parker manages to deflect all shots fired in his direction, courtesy of carefully placed CGI. He even takes on a few Stormtroopers atop Speeder bikes with relative ease, before trying to tackle an AT-ST Walker. 

While this fan trailer does not come close to the action that the impending Star Wars film will try and deliver, it's certainly one of the better fan-vids we've seen in quite some time. 

To find out how Jedi Warrior Parker fares against a Walker, click on the video below.  


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