By 28 March 2014 | Categories: news


Web slinging gameplay for Amazing Spider-Man 2

Games released alongside blockbuster movies have always been a bit hit or miss, but developers Beenox is looking to change all that with its new Amazing Spider-Man 2 title. The company has posted a gameplay walkthrough video on the PlayStation Blog to highlight some of the innovative features and elements it has incorporated.

One of these is a newly designed web slinging engine, which will offer players a more ‘realistic’ experience as they navigate Manhattan’s skyscrapers. When swing between buildings, Spider-Man’s web now attaches to buildings, as opposed to arbitrarily swinging from thin air in previous iterations (Amazing Spider-Man review).

Other notable enhancements include the use of his Spidey-Sense, which can now be used like an echo-sonar to map targets and enemies in any environment. It also features a focus-like ability which can freeze time mid-swing, and allow Spider-Man to choose a desired point of landing.

The gameplay video further showcases some of the new takedown and fighting mechanics incorporated in the game, with Spidey using his web to stealthily sneak up on enemies before attacking. Amazing Spider-Man 2, the game, will give players access to Peter Parker’s bedroom at Aunt May’s house where you can retry missions and slip on some costumes from other Spider-Man universe characters.

Amazing Spider-Man 2 will be available for purchase worldwide on a host  29 April 2014 and retail for an estimated R700.

100 plus games set for PS4 release in 2014

Sony has lifted the lid on some its PlayStation 4 (review) gaming title release plans for 2014, with a posting on its PS Blog earlier in the week. To date there has not been a host of definitive titles specifically designed to take advantage of the highly specced console, with Infamous: Second Son and Driveclub being the only titles worth worrying about.

There is however some good news as the company has released a list of all its planned PS4 releases for 2014. This list has also been broken up into seasonal release schedules so users can start thinking about which games they will be spending their hard earned cash on over the next nine months.  

When we perused the list a couple of exciting titles jumped out. Over the next two to three months, gamers can look forward to seeing Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, Watch Dogs (see the new trailer below) and Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor. Other hotly anticipated titles include Dragonage: Inquisition, Assassin’s Creed: Unity and The Order: 1886.

For a full breakdown of 2014 PS4 releases check out the blog posting here.

The Last of Us likely coming to PS4

First it was Tomb Raider Definitive Edition that shimmied its way from the PS3 to PS4, now, apparently The Last of Us (review) is also destined to make an appearance on Sony’s next-gen console according to Joystiq.

Although Sony has not made an official statement as yet, the company’s software marketing manager, Sercan Sulun, may just have let the cat out of the bag when he was interviewed by CNN Turk, reporting that the game will become available both as a digital download and at retail. What’s more, he added that the DLC, Left Behind – which was recently released – would be included as well.

Granted, while it’s not an official reveal (at least not yet), we suspect it is a considerable probability, considering the fact that Tomb Raider’s jump to the PS4 saw its sales make a steep ascent. Our question is The Last of Us is already a beautiful game on the now aging PS3; how much more so could it be on the PS4?

Naughty Dog sheds another key employee

What on earth is happening at Naughty Dog? First it was the somewhat shocking news that studio stalwart Amy Hennig had left the studio, now, another key personnel to Uncharted 4 has apparently left the building.

Justin Richmond’s departure places another question mark over the fate of Uncharted 4, particularly as he was the game director on the forthcoming next instalment. Richmond is also an Uncharted veteran, having worked on both the stellar Uncharted: Among Thieves and Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception (review).

Richmond though, should be just fine - he announced that he will now be joining Riot Games (the developers of League of Legends). Of course, both his and Hennig’s departure beg the question about the fate of Uncharted 4, and how it – and the franchise moving forward – will be affected by both changes. We truly hope it doesn’t leave Uncharted 4 lost in the desert and stumbling for the terrific direction that made previous entries so unforgettable.

Wolfenstein: The New Order dated, accompanied by Doom beta

Wolfenstein: The New Order has been one of those games that we have heard about from time to time, but has largely lurked below the radar. Finally, and happily, the game has now been given an official date, and it’s not too far away –  20th May. The game has been confirmed for release on the PS4, PS3, Xbox 360 and PC.

Besides from the fact that the game pits you, once again, against a tyrannical Nazi regime, there is another reason to be excited about the pedigreed first person action shooter – those pre-ordering the game will also be granted early access to the Doom beta. If you need a bit of a refresher about why you should care, head down to the trailer below

Free Destiny of Spirits now available

It’s hard to argue with a free game, and the latest of these to become available this week for the PS Vita is Destiny of Spirits.

The title, which clocks in at around 650 MB, is a free to play location based strategy and role playing game, and enables players to work together to summon, merge, trade and rent Spirits which can then be used in battle (if you’re thinking Pokemon on the PS Vita you’re probably not too far off).

However, one of the draws is that apparently the game will tie into to some other familiar PS characters, and have special types of spirits for players to collect, for a limited time. For example, the first of these is the Knack Spirit - referring of course, to the rather underappreciated PS4 debut title, Knack (review).

Take a look at the trailer below and see if your PS Vita will have a new download to contend with this weekend.

Plot details and screenshots for Batman: Arkham Knight

We showcased the first trailer from Rocksteady Studios for the final (supposedly) Batman title Arkham Knight a couple of weeks ago. Now the developers have revealed a few more details to keep the sons of Batman anxiously waiting in anticipation, with some in-game screenshots, new villains and the look and feel of this newly suited Dark Knight.

The first and probably most interesting detail will finally allow wannabe caped crusaders the ability to drive the batmobile. This iconic vehicle has received some new styling, looking less like the long wheelbase supercar from the first title, Arkham Asylum, and more like the jet-engined Tumbler from the Dark Knight movies. According to Rocksteady, players will be able to explore the streets of Gotham at great speed and engage in car-to-car combat, as the batmobile will have a host of projectile weapons.

The other interesting detail is the newly designed foe that will tussle with Batman, known as the Arkham Knight, who is an character solely created for the Arkham gaming universe. The Arkham Knight should serve as Batman’s main adversary, with the likes of the Penguin, Two-Face, Harley Quinn and the Scarecrow thrown in the mix.


Contributions by Robin-Leigh Chetty


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