By 8 June 2016 | Categories: news


Own a iPhone 6s or 6s Plus? Interested in making GIFs? Well the latest app to arrive courtesy of Google's Research team might pique your interest. Named Motion Stills, it's designed specifically for iOS and those sporting Live Photos functionality in particular. The research team says Motion Stills works with the company's video stabilisation technology at its core, which was first put into use for YouTube

The software is able to freeze specific backgrounds into a still image, as well as creating sweeping pans to run as loop, just like a GIF. Added to this, it can be shared via any iOS-specific social media or messaging services, according to Google. 

The company is hoping as many iPhone 6s/6s Plus users as possible get their hands on the new app, which is why it does not require any Google sign-in to work. The app is currently free to download on the App store.


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